Module score analysis
This function takes a group of modules and calculates module
scores for the expression programs. In addition, if plot_dir
is not NULL
creates feature plots with marker genes and the module score and saved them
in plot_dir
plot_dir = NULL,
reduction = "umap",
max.cutoff = "q98",
min.cutoff = NA,
legend.position = "top",
col_pal = NULL,
dims_plot = c(1, 2),
seed = 1,
pt.size = 1.4,
fig.res = 200,
alpha = c(0.1, 0.9),
pt.size.factor = 1.1,
spatial_col_pal = "inferno",
crop = FALSE,
plot_spatial_markers = FALSE,
spatial_legend_position = "top",
- seu
Seurat object (required).
- modules_group
Group of modules (named list of lists) storing features (e.g. genes) to compute module score for each identified cluster. This step can be useful for annotating the different clusters by saving dot plots for each group. Assumes that we already have computed the modules e.g. by calling the 'module_score_analysis' function. If 'plot_dir' is NULL, no plots will be generated.
- plot_dir
Directory to save generated plots. If NULL, plots are not saved.
- reduction
Which dimensionality reduction to use (required).
- max.cutoff
Vector of maximum cutoff values for each feature, may specify quantile in the form of 'q##' where '##' is the quantile (eg, 'q1', 'q10').
- min.cutoff
Vector of minimum cutoff values for each feature, may specify quantile in the form of 'q##' where '##' is the quantile (eg, 'q1', 'q10').
- legend.position
Position of legend, default "right" (set to "none" for clean plot).
- col_pal
Continuous colour palette to use, default "RdYlBu".
- dims_plot
Dimensions to plot, must be a two-length numeric vector specifying x- and y-dimensions.
- seed
Set a random seed, for reproducibility.
- pt.size
Adjust point size for plotting.
- fig.res
Figure resolution in ppi (see 'png' function).
- alpha
(Spatial) Controls opacity of spots. Provide as a vector specifying the min and max range of values (between 0 and 1).
- pt.size.factor
(Spatial) Scale the size of the spots.
- spatial_col_pal
(Spatial) Continuous colour palette to use from viridis package to colour spots on tissue, default "inferno".
- crop
(Spatial) Crop the plot in to focus on spots that passed QC. Set to FALSE to show entire background image.
- plot_spatial_markers
(Spatial) Logical, whether to create spatial feature plots with expression of individual genes.
- spatial_legend_position
(Spatial) Position of legend for spatial plots, default "top" (set to "none" for clean plot).
- ...
Additional named parameters passed to Seurat's AddModuleScore and FeaturePlot