Tailored heatmap plot
Heatmap plot showing marker genes after the clustering process.
Expression levels are taken from the scaled.data
slot. Current
implementation is 'hard' coded: that is for heatmap column annotation,
it assumes the Seurat object contains 'condition', 'sample' and
'seurat_clusters' as columns in meta.data slot.
topn_genes = 10,
diff_cluster_pct = 0.1,
pval_adj = 0.05,
filename = NULL,
col_pal = NULL,
heatmap_downsample_cols = NULL,
- seu
Seurat object (required).
- markers
Data frame with marker genes for each cluster. Expects a format as the output of Seurat's FindAllMarkers.
- topn_genes
Top N marker genes to plot for each cluster.
- diff_cluster_pct
Retain marker genes per cluster if their
pct.1 - pct.2 > diff_cluster_pct
, i.e. they show cluster specific expression. Set to -Inf, to ignore this additional filtering.- pval_adj
Adjusted p-value threshold to consider marker genes per cluster.
- filename
Filename for saving the heatmap plot. If null, the heatmap is just plotted in device.
- col_pal
Discrete colour palette to use, default is Hue palette (hue_pal) from 'scales' package.
- heatmap_downsample_cols
If numberic, it will downsamples the columns of the heatmap plot, so a big specific cluster doesn't dominate the heatmap.
- ...
Additional parameters passed to 'pheatmap' function
C.A.Kapourani C.A.Kapourani@ed.ac.uk